Thursday, May 7, 2009

Plan of online course

by Karen PDA.
Every online course requires a previous study that contains the main elements to put in practice a real e-course, such as: units, topics, objectives, methods and methodology, techniques, assignments, practice, evaluation, general and specific bibliography or references.
It is important to take in consideration to clarify every single definition before start to give general information about the course because, as a recommendation the description of any course it must be clear and concrete.
These are some points to help to design an online course:
1.- The objectives have to be based on students needs and make sure about the previous knowledge from them.
2. It is very important to specify the objectives into the course, and make a review of every point on this.
3. The learning goals also depend on the institution or academy where students are learning. Because it could be adequate to the professional development.
4. The activities may have to be active and focus on investigation by themselves because an online course doesn’t have space limits and the learning process it not occur at the same time.
5. Make a time line: because in this methodology the chronological steps are very important to have a begging and end in order to be more organize and facility the evaluation.
6. Use appropriate material, in this case authentic if the level is superior. The bibliography has to be contemporary with true fundaments.
7. Make sure that the internet system is working well, sometimes the uploading way is slow. It implicates patience to technology.
8. To have a control of Platform and group discussion. It is necessary to post the date and time to start everything that can involves all participants.
9. Give a guide of text recommendation: or not only texts but some material that it could be useful after every unit and improve the knowledge.
10. giving information about the type of evaluation and specify if each unit has a different way to evaluate, for example an essay, an interview, an exercise etc.

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